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Controllers Comments

Halifax, Calderdale

YHOA Urban League

Halifax Urban Event. Sunday 22nd February 2015

Controller’s comments

Firstly I must apologise to all those affected by the minor mistakes which slipped through the system. The most serious of these (of which I am aware) was the map error/omission between controls 12 and 13 on course 3, 13 and 14 (course 4) and controls 9 and 10 on course 5. A high fence was not shown on the map meaning some competitors got caught in an unintended cul-de-sac. They shouldn’t have lost too much time, but apologies all the same. It is almost impossible to ensure such situations don’t arise anywhere on any possible route choice in an ever-changing urban environment.

Thanks to everyone who took the trouble to thank Andy for his courses. They seemed to be almost universally well received. The decision not to use the town centre meant there were less intricate areas to keep you thinking. However Andy made best use of the terraced houses and cobbled back alleys, combining these with some longer legs to provide some route choice.

Luckily it appeared everyone had seen the weather forecast and turned up early. The later starters were affected by the sleet, turning the cobbles wet and therefore slippery. Thanks to everyone for finishing promptly and allowing the organising team to get home early!

Charlie Adams, SYO


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Page updated: June 22 2024
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