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Newmillerdam Event Flyer

Newmillerdam Country Park YHOA Night League


Saturday 19th December 2015




Location: 3 miles South of Wakefield on the A61. Grid ref: SE331157. Post code WF2 6QP. Streetmap
Follow brown signs to Newmillerdam Country Park and Boathouse.
Coming from Wakefield on A61 the road sweeps right with the dam on your left followed by the public car park


Registration: In Scout building 50yds west of public car park. Also toilets, download, enquiries.


Site Map


Terrain: Runnable, mixed woodland with some contour detail, good point features and an extensive path network.

The area is used extensively by the public, creating a changing network of paths. Note that not all of the tracks on the ground are mapped. There are also a number of other man-made features that are not mapped - these include some new hides, signposts, seats and picnic benches.







Night Short


2.4 km

10 m

Night Medium


3.9 km

55 m

Night Long


5.6 km

95 m


Registration  4.30pm  to 5.30pm

Start Times. 5pm  to  6pm


Start and finish close to assembly.


All courses close at 7.30pm

You MUST report to Download at Registration even if you retire.


Entries: Adults £6-00 (£8 non British Orienteering members) Juniors/Students £2-50


SI Download: After punching the finish control you must download as soon as possible.  Hired SI cards will be collected. Should you lose your SI card, or fail to return it, you will be charged the full price of a replacement. (£30)   e-punch hire £1.00 (Juniors 50p)


Safety: Competitors will be responsible for their own safety. A buddy system will be in operation. People travelling alone should leave their keys at Registration with their particulars.


Organiser: John Elliott 0113 2529209
Planner: Alistair Tinto
Controllers; David & Juliet Morgan


Results & Updates EPOC web site www.eastpennineoc.org.uk 



© East Pennine Orienteering Club
Page updated: December 16 2015
Any comments regarding this website will be thoughtfully received!