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Organisers Comments


Sowerby Bridge Urban Event Sunday 7th February 2016

Part of the YHOA Urban League.



Organiser's Comments

I have recently joined EPOC after 34 years in the British Army and 10 years orienteering for BAOC. Imagine my surprise when I found myself volunteering to be the organiser for the Sowerby Bridge Urban Event.

I was very fortunate that Sowerby Bridge High School was mentioned as a possible location to run the event from. I immediately started work finding the right person to book it through, the company managing the sports facilities were Interserve Support Services, who were friendly and helpful throughout the process.

I then started on the remaining processes that the organiser has to complete. Gaining all of the permissions was painless as was completing the risk assessment (thank you Alistair).

I was greatly impressed with the amount of Volunteers I received from EPOC. In my previous club, I used to press gang my soldiers into volunteering! All of the EPOC volunteers were veterans of many many events and started setting up before I even knew it! One of my difficulties was, that as I was a new member of EPOC, I only knew a few of the volunteers so had to go around asking everyone's name.

A special thanks must go to Jean Lochhead for keeping me pointing in the right direction and to Fred Ross for covering the road marshalling all day at short notice, thank you to both of you.

I thought the event was a great success and I hope all of the competitors had a good experience at the event.

My final thank you goes to all of the EPOC volunteer helpers, without you the event would not have been the success it was.



DM Averill
CAA C Company
Tel: 07930819770
01274 394718




© East Pennine Orienteering Club
Page updated: October 25 2016
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