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EPOC weekend of orienteering - "Woods, Park and Town events"
Huddersfield Urban Event, part of YHOA Urban League. Sunday 3rd July 2016
Planner's Comments
Linking the town centre with the park seemed to create a worthwhile urban area. From a planning perspective it meant the G course had to be in the park and therefore having the finish there. However having had some flack a few years ago when some courses at Halifax didn’t go into the town centre I wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice. I therefore chose to start near to the town centre into a tricky housing estate. Fortunately the underpasses enabled safe passage under the ring road. Although the town centre is somewhat of a grid pattern I believe you found it interesting and technically challenging.
I hope you appreciated some of the finer planning points. The clear dibbing holes resulting from grippling via the two holes at the top of the SI box (a pain when removing!). The cutting of lines and circles, white framing of control numbers and even underlining the No. 6 and 9 on course D.
I have checked the area around control 150 and although correct, itcould be improved. Anyone going into the deaf centre was in the olive green oob area. If I had put a black line across would it have made a difference? On the ground it was a wider canopy to the one next to it but mapped the same size. Mapping isn’t always straightforward?
Richard Payne