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YHOA Sprint Championship

 Sunday 14th May 2017

Golcar & Leymoor




Planner's Notes

I don’t do many urban events and this was my first attempt at planning one and as I’m an M80 in 7 months time it will probably be my last!

I couldn’t resist the challenge of planning an event in my home village and with Richard’s superb map what could go wrong? 

I’m sorry some of you got verbal abuse along some of the ginnels which were clearly shown as rights of way.  I had walked all the paths several times (and cleared many of vegetation) without any indication they weren’t public footpaths. 

The Leymoor map was fairly straightforward with an intricate network of paths in the middle.  I aimed for winning times of 10 – 15 minutes so the courses were a bit too long. 

I think the final courses were more challenging and took you round the older parts of the village.  The winning times were within the range I’d aimed for. 

I hope you’ll forgive me for the uphill walk back, at least it let you see the ginnels at your leisure! 

The final junior course was a bit too easy (it probably suited M12s rather than M16s.  It was difficult to plan a more challenging course and comply with safety rules for juniors. 

Thanks for coming to the Colne Valley!

Rod Shaw



© East Pennine Orienteering Club
Page updated: May 17 2017
Webmaster: David
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