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Preliminary Details
Ogden photo

Ogden YHOA Night League Event

Saturday 23rd December 2017

Ogden photo


Orienteer through the beautiful winter pennine landscapes around Ogden Water


Registration & Car Park: Another World Adventure Centre, Moss Farm, Ogden, Halifax. HX2 8YB.  Just off A629 Halifax - Keighley Road. Streetmap

Drive along the unmade road, which on Monday was very icy.  Please proceed slowly as there is a pond at the side! Follow track around to left where you will find our Car Park attendants. Do not park on the grassed area, you will sink.

There will be a parking charge of £1 per vehicle.


Terrain: Ogden is a delightful woodland with a good path network for the shorter courses. It is nevertheless challenging and intricate for the experts. Longer courses will venture onto the moorland.

Map: 1:7500 with 5m contours. All maps are pre-marked on waterproof paper.

Toilets: at registration.


Registration: 4.30pm to 5.30pm


Start times: 5pm to 6pm.


Start: is 200m through lit woodland and paths.


Finish: is a 500m walk back to carpark and download, and will be taped.


All courses close at 7.30pm


You must report to download, even if you retire, to save an unnecessary search.


Coffee, Teas and snacks will be available near download, see the menu.


Entries: Adults £7.00 Juniors and Beginners £3.00.
SI Dibber Hire: £1, lost dibbers £30.

Safety: Whilst a full Risk assessment will be carried out competitors will be responsible for their own safety.
Competitors take part at their own risk. Waterproof jackets may be compulsory in the case of bad weather and if this proves to be the case a notice to this effect will be displayed in the car park.  Whistles are advisable.  Head torches and full leg cover are compulsory and will be checked. 
Make sure you have someone who will raise the alarm if you appear to be very late finishing. 
Lone competitors must leave their car keys at registration and record their name, phone no. and registration number on the entry form.
ln the unlikely event of cancellation, details will be posted on the EPOC website.

Planners Notes: There are a number of vague deer tracks in the woodland that are not mapped.
The fences surrounding the woodland, the newly planted steep valley and those crossing the moorland are all robust and can all be crossed at any point. We would suggest you do this next to a post. Any existing gate or stile which provides an easier crossing point and a number of additional ones with sacking over barbed wire are marked on the purple overprint. These are not mandatory crossing points.
The Ovenden Moor Windfarm is currently being redeveloped and has now been omitted from the map. Please do not stray into any of the construction area.
The shooting butts on the moor are not mapped.

Control Descriptions:  Description sheets will be printed on the map and available loose in the start lanes.



Distance km

Climb m
















Planner: Jonathon Emberton EPOC
Controller: Davey Averill EPOC
Organiser: Jean Lochhead EPOC

© East Pennine Orienteering Club
Page updated: December 20 2017
Any comments regarding this website will be thoughtfully received!