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Planners Comments
Ogden photo

Ogden YHOA Night League Event

Saturday 23rd December 2017

Ogden photo

Planner’s Comments:

Planning for the Ogden water event started eight months ago and was completed fairly quickly, we were however struggling to find a controller for the event, thank you very much to Jonathan for stepping in and allowing the event to proceed.

The paperwork for the event was another matter, there was a lot of it! Aside from getting permissions from Natural England and the tenant farmers to use the land (some of which is SSSI), we also had to get permission from Calderdale Council, who in the end came up trumps after some direct liaison by myself.

I decided to use a 1:7,500 map scale as this would ensure the features around the technical areas could be seen, it also allowed the competitor to see the fence crossing points more easily.

A brief layer of snow two weeks before the Ogden Water event meant that the brambles and ferns were at an all time low and the woods were superbly runnable.

The night event courses were short due to a substantial amount of climb (2 hills), I predicted that the winning time would be around 40 minutes, but was shocked when a runner came in after 33 minutes, clearly the woods were clean and runnable. The majority of competitors came in around or over the 40 minute mark so I was happy with that. All of the feedback regarding the night event was good, so very happy.

The day event was a 29 control 1 hour score event with a red line distance of approximately 8km, so was actually doable for the faster navigators. Again I was shocked by the winning time of 46 minutes. Clearly I had underestimated the abilities of the better runners, but am happy to say that the course did provide a challenge for most of the competitors

It was good to stand at the finish (uphill) and watch the runners making their route choices and running around the course. It was also lovely to see that most of the competitors were smiling when they finished, confirming what I thought that everyone was enjoying themselves

The EPOC registration, start, finish and car park teams were brilliant. Another World Adventure Centre was the focal point for the two events. This provided shelter, heating and power for the registration and download teams. The owner, Andrew, opened the Café and allowed the competitors to get hot and cold drinks and food (the goulash was particularly good) before and after the races. There was plenty of space for parking, one camper van actually stopped the night and the starts and finishes were all within a short walking distance.

All in all another successful EPOC double event. Watch out for next year where the events will be held at Newmillerdam

Best Regards,

Davey Averill

© East Pennine Orienteering Club
Page updated: December 27 2017
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