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Final Details
Alistair photo


Storthes Hall Woods and Campus

Sunday 28 January 2018

YHOA Super League 2018

Y.H.O.A. Middle Distance Championships

Presentations for YHOA Urban League, YHOA Super League and probably the YHOA Night League.

Details as at 26 January 2018

Alistair photo

Terrain. Storthes Hall is an attractive and very runnable area of mixed woodland and fields with a good path network, used for the JK Relays in 2015, Some controls will be located on the Campus.

Car Park. Signed off the A629 about 5km south east of Huddersfield. (HD8 0WA).
Parking on hard standing on university campus close to registration. Please park within the lines. Streetmap

Dogs: Dogs will not be allowed on the courses or in the start lanes. The wood is dog friendly and you would be welcome to walk your dog after your run

Registration. Inside the building marked as “The Venue”.  Please note this is not the registration area that we have used before -  Access to the “The Venue” is via the steps on the South West side of the Car park and follow tapes. Please remove muddy shoes. Please do not enter via the bar unless your first objective is to buy a drink.

Toilets. Inside the “The Venue” and bar area.  Again - please remove muddy shoes.

Registration. 10.00am to 12.00pm.
Start Times. 10.30 to 12.30pm – Block allocation


Early -  between 10.30 and 11

Medium - between 11 and 12

Late - between 12 and 12.30

Start: 450m from Registration.  Leave car park by the way you came in, cross campus road and follow tapes in the direction of the Football Club.

Finish: 300m from Download.

Entries. £8 adults (£10 non British Orienteering members). EOD £10.00 (£12 non British Orienteering members).
£3.00 children/students. Entries via Fabian 4 opening 1st December 2017. Family entry £22. Closing date 21st Jan.

Provisional Course lengths subject to final controlling

  Length Km Climb mControls Men Women
Black 5.5 14028 M18 M20 M21 M35 M40  
Brown 5.2 14025 M45  M50 W18  W20 W21
Blue 4.4 13024 M16  M55 M60 W35 W40
Green 3.8 12019 M65  M70 W16 W45 W50
Short Green 3.2 10017 M75 M80 M85 M90 W55  W60 W65
Very Short Green 2.4 9014   W70  W75 W80 W85
Light Green 2.6 8015 M14 W14
Orange 2 6010 M12 W12
Yellow  1.5 407 M10 W10

Due to there being no WHITE course a YELLOW course map will be available for viewing at registration.  There will be no YELLOW maps available to take away from Registration.  Yellow maps will be located in the normal start area with the other course maps.

Control Descriptions: We will be using the ‘old style’ control descriptions. Loose control descriptions will be in the start lanes.

Remember to download after running.

Download: Please approach download via the car park using the back door (Registration & Toilets)  Please do not enter download via the Bar unless you have first changed.

Drinks can be purchased from the Bar from 9.00am and from 12.00pm food will be available, please see attached menu.

All courses close at 2.30pm.
Safety: Whilst a full Risk assessment has been carried out competitors will be responsible for their own safety.
Competitors take part at their own risk. Waterproof jackets may be compulsory in the case of bad weather and if this proves to be the case a notice to this effect will be displayed in the car park.  Whistles are advisable.  Full leg cover is compulsory and will be checked. 
Make sure you have someone who will raise the alarm if you appear to be very late finishing. 
Lone competitors must leave their car keys at registration and record their name, phone no. and registration number on the entry form.
ln the unlikely event of cancellation, details will be posted on the EPOC website.

There will be a Prize Presentation for YHOA Super League 2017 and YHOA Urban League 2017

YHOA Night League 2017/2018. There is still one event to go in the Night League so the places in that competition should also be finalised. In which case, these prizes will also be awarded at this Storthes Hall event.

Well done to all who have qualified for a mug!

Mugs/Prizes for the YHOA Superleague 2017, YHOA Urban League 2017, will be available for winners, seconds and thirds in each class of the leagues.  Mugs are only going to Orienteers from YHOA clubs who have completed at least 2 league events.  The full list of winners is on www.yhoa.org.uk

There will be a table near registration/download where those entitled to mugs should check in so that we know who is there to receive them. 

After the event there will also be a presentation for YHOA Middle Distance Champs as near to 1.15pm as possible.

There will be a special mug donated by Zoe, Alistair's wife "The Tinto Mug" for the first M50 which is the age group Alistair would have run.

Planner: Davey Averill EPOC
Controller: Charlie Adams SYO
Organiser: Jean Lochhead EPOC
© East Pennine Orienteering Club
Page updated: January 26 2018
Any comments regarding this website will be thoughtfully received!