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Controllers Comments

Newmillerdam YHOA Night League Event
Saturday 22nd December 2018




Controller’s Comments:

I agreed to control the events at Newmillerdam as the area is close to home and I know it very well. My job was relatively straight forward as Juliet also knows the area well so her initial courses only needed a small amount of changing, mainly increasing the distance on the night courses which was the right decision looking at the winning times.


Both events ran smoothly and a lot of people commented on how much they had enjoyed their runs, despite the weather on Sunday!


Special thanks to my daughters Megan and Laura for hanging around to collect over half of the controls in the rain on Sunday when they could have just gone straight home nearly 2 hours earlier to dry out and warm up.


Emma Harrison


© East Pennine Orienteering Club
Page updated: December 26 2018
Any comments regarding this website will be thoughtfully received!