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Preliminary Details

Newmillerdam Christmas Score Event
Sunday 23rd December 2018


Beautiful mature runnable woodland - but - beware there may be Gnomes, Bears or Santas about!

Registration and Car Park. Two car parks are available. The nearest is Newmillerdam Country Park Pay and Display car park on A61 3km S of Wakefield. Post Code of is WF2 6QQ. Streetmap The entrance is opposite the Fox and Hounds PH. Please note, this car park is extremely busy with the general public on Sunday mornings. We have therefore arranged a second (free) car park on School Hill some 500m from registration. We would urge you to use this as a priority and would especially urge all competitors to use this facility. It will be signposted from the A61 road beside the Fox and Hounds Inn. Registration, toilets and limited changing space are available in the Scout Hut – 50m along road from the public car park. Car keys can also be left at registration/download. Please do not park in the Fox and Hounds car park.

Terrain. Newmillerdam is a country park owned and managed by Wakefield Council. Much of it is mature woodland with a good path network. The friends of Newmillerdam have installed a number of carved statues (gnomes and a large bear). These may feature on the courses and are shown on the map as “Man made object”.

Map. 1:10,000 updated November 2018. Courses pre-printed on waterproof paper.

Registration. 09.30 - 11.00

Format. The event will be a score event. The area is not considered suitable for a mass start as there are too many other users likely to be in the vicinity. Starts will run over a 1.5 hour time span with individuals setting off on a punching start basis. Subject to controlling around 25 controls will be available with a standard value of 10 points per control. Controls will generally be hung on gripples from trees or gnomes. Some may be on stakes. They will not be SIAC enabled. The maximum time allowed will be 45 minutes.
In addition we shall offer a short (Yellow standard) course based on the Friends of Newmillerdam’s Gnome Roam. Parents wishing to shadow children on this course may do so before or after their own run. Subject to final controlling this will be 2.1km, 5 m. climb and 9 controls.

Roving Santa Claus. You may come across a roving Santa Claus in the woods. Santa will invite you to dib the festive control box and may offer sweets. If you are lucky enough to see Santa on the score course you will gain an extra 10 points. On the yellow course it will make no difference to your result whether or not you see Santa but you can still dib the festive box without affecting your result. There will be a small prize for the first person to correctly name Santa on return to download.

Start times. Punching starts from 10.00 – 11.30.

Start and Finish. Close to main public car park.

Time Limit. On the Score you will be allowed a maximum of 45 minutes to return to the finish. After that time points will be deducted on the basis of 10 points per minute or part minute over the limit. On the yellow course you will run this in the same way as any usual event with no time limit imposed. Courses close at 12.15 and controls will be removed from that time.
You must report to download, even if you retire to avoid unnecessary searches. Please remove muddy footwear and all spiked dobbs before entering scout hut. Hot drinks will be available.

Entries. Adults £7.00. Juniors and full time students £3.00. Dibbers are available for hire at £1. Loss of dibber will cost £30.

Safety. Whilst a full risk assessment has been carried out, competitors are responsible for their own safety and take part at their own risk. Competitors should note that the competition areas in Newmillerdam are either side of a large lake and competitors may be using lakeside paths and a causeway or a bridge on their courses. In the event of bad weather waterproof jackets may be advised or required and if this proves to be the case all competitors will be advised at registration. Full leg cover is compulsory. This will be checked at the start. Whistles are advised.
Please make sure that you have someone who will raise the alarm if you appear to be very late finishing. A car key board will be provided for those travelling alone.

Cancellation. In the unlikely event, this will be posted on the EPOC website.

Control Descriptions. Will be printed on the map and available in the start lanes.

Organiser. David Morgan EPOC email
Planner. Juliet Morgan EPOC
Controller. Emma Harrison EPOC



© East Pennine Orienteering Club
Page updated: December 22 2018
Webmaster: David
Any comments regarding this website will be thoughtfully received!